Nordic Style Pole Walking – An amazing sport and exercise. Learn more…

Have more fun, expend less energy increase speed and increase Power with this tine hand/arm adjustment. Because we take hundreds
Why a post on lacing your shoes? Well, because it is very important for safety when taking a leisure walk
We enjoy hearing from you! I try to personally respond to every email I receive. For general inquiries, suggestions, walking
To approach effortless walking you should use good technique with your legs and feet. Remember to allow you entire body
Driving your arms faster and front to back will help power your legs to move faster resulting in more speed,
You will have a much more enjoyable leisure, power, Nordic or race walk if you maintain relaxed fingers & hands.
Sometimes doing less is doing more. Instead of moving your head all over the place, keep it nice and steady.
We walkers use our shins a lot. This is one of my favorite exercises to strengthen my shins. It works
Proper heel to toe motion offers you so many advantages in any style of walking. It takes a while to
A very comfortable and surprisingly affordable walking - running - training - racing shoe for 2020. I use it for
Walking can be trans-formative. Here are real examples of how walking can change your life... Health - walking is one
If you use your hips properly you will reduce the stress on your legs. Hips are powerful and with the
Planning is paramount to success. Here are 10 things I do before a training walk or a race: Drink plenty
A bite size video
It is so important to be well hydrated and to dress properly and hydrate when the weather becomes colder. I
I love training on hills! They are fun, challenging and if you like to compete that produce faster race times
This is the only fitness video for real leisure or competitive walkers. Not only will you get a great workout
Walking on sand can be a useful part of your walking regimen but you want to be cautious not to
Even a slight improvement in technique can make you more efficient, faster and have more fun.