I believe Steve Jobs had it right. When he wanted to have a conversation with someone he would often get up and say, ‘walk with me’.

Business is often stressful. If you work in an office you likely are required to sit for long periods of time. We sit at our desk, in meetings, in our car or mass transportation… If you watch TV or binge on Netflix for long periods of time that is a lot of sitting or laying in one place.

Walking helps me clear my mind, relax and re-charge. It helps keep me healthy and happy. It makes me a better business professional. I brainstorm many of my most creative business continuity and personal project ideas during short walks and my 6-12-mile road, trail and beach walks. Many of the ideas on The Winning Walker originated in the midst of those walks.

According to my trusty Fitbit, as of this writing I have logged 35,698,473 steps (16,571 miles) during the past couple of years. Along the way I picked up every Fitbit award including North Pole to South Pole. I enjoyed every step.

Many studies have indicated that sitting too long is bad for us. I find walking helps relieve stress. The secret is to do it regularly. Carve out time on a regular basis to get up from your desk and walk. I have integrated walking into my regular routine at work and at home. It has become a big part of my life. I have even incorporated walking into my daily commute, racewalking 1.5 miles each way to and from work.

I get up from my desk almost every hour whether I am in an office or working from home.

Sometimes you can amaze co-workers and squeeze in a few minutes of work when you are requested to be at a meeting. If you fast power walk there or race walk you can be there a lot faster than slowly sauntering or getting out of breath. For example, I used to work in an office complex. Often I was requested to go from one building – across a warehouse – to a sister building to meet with leadership or host a meeting. Although it was a quarter of a mile I would be there in under 3 minutes. The warehouse workers use to get a kick out of my very fast walks. On more than one occasion they would ask for a brief walking technique lesson… and I always complied. They were great people.

When you walk, be careful about multi-tasking. I have eliminated texting and emailing while walking after a few serious close calls one bordering on fatal. For example, a few years ago in Baltimore while I was walking and texting, I came within a few feet of falling into Baltimore Harbor. But that did not stop me. Five years ago I was walking and texting and I took a bad fall. I went flying and luckily broke my fall with my right palm on jagged concrete. I tore up my hand (pretty nasty picture) but I could have easily hit my head, which would have been disastrous. But that did not stop me either. More recently, I was walking and texting and I almost walked off a three-story structure to a concrete floor 30 feet below. That one stopped me! Yes, it did the trick! No more walking and texting. It made me real careful going forward. I still get chills every time I pass the spot of that near tragedy.

Build walking into your life routine and you will become a better worker and a better, healthier walker.

I believe Steve Jobs had it right. When he wanted to have a conversation with someone he would often get up and say, ‘walk with me’.