Legs and Feet Technique

To approach effortless walking you should use good technique with your legs and feet. Remember to allow you entire body to work in harmony to move you forward efficiently. Ad you improve you will realize more energy, longer distances and faster speed.

Faster Arms = Faster Legs

Driving your arms faster and front to back will help power your legs to move faster resulting in more speed, longer distances, less fatigue and more enjoyable walks. Remember, by using your entire body to walk including your arms, shoulders, abdomen (core), hips, gluts and feet you will great educe Read more…

Relax You Fingers & Hands

You will have a much more enjoyable leisure, power, Nordic or race walk if you maintain relaxed fingers & hands. Athletes that learn how to relax and conserve energy perform better than those that are tense. Have you ever watched the first few minutes of an important basketball game. Some Read more…