Walking is a great exercise. It can improve your health and it is great furn.
Speed is not the most important aspect of walking if you are a leisure or Power walker for fun. That said, it is useful to know the speed you are walking if you want to know how far you have walked without a tracking device. If you are a competitive Power walker or Race walker speed is very important.
Most fitness can be used to calculate how far and fast you are walking – even if they do not include those exact metrics. I discuss more details on figuring out your speed under difference circumstances in the post on Th Winning Walker entitled, The Numbers of Walking.
This list below will give you a rough idea of how fast is fast:
- 20 minutes is a comfortable speed for most leisure walkers
- 15 – 18 minutes – is a nice brisk walking speed
- 13 – 15 minutes – is what most power walkers do
- 12 – 13 minutes – fast power walking
- Under 12 minutes and you are most likely race walking
- Under 11 minutes and under you are fast race walking. Depending on your age group you can compete in local and regional and national race walking events. For example, I am a competitive Racewalker and have won and runner-up in USATF National Racewalking Age Group Championships at 10k and 5k the past few years. I can walk consistent 9:45 – 10:00 minute per mile pace which is good for my age, whether competing against walkers nationally or runners locally. In younger age-groups it would take a much lower time to medal.