Why a post on lacing your shoes? Well, because it is very important for safety when taking a leisure walk or training while powerwalking or racewalking and it can be critical to your success in races.

Safety is paramount! If your shoes come untied while walking or running you can easily trip over them and take a nasty fall. You can also ‘lose a shoe’. The extra few seconds you devote to properly tying your shoe laces can make the difference between a safe and happy walk or race or sadly ending up hurt or in the hospital.

I picked up a tip along the way that has helped me keep my laces tied. I demonstrate it in the video below. I am always careful to take a few extra seconds before every walk I take or race I am in to properly tie my laces. For me it has been time well spent. My laces have never come untied during any of my races. Races are often close so losing precious seconds to stop and tie you laces can be important.