I was in a USATF National Racewalking Championship with Rich Luettchau although he finished far faster than I did. Fortunately, we were in different in distant age group. We both metaled and I benefited watching him.

I admire Rich’s technique. When I learned the Wall Street Journal profiled Rich in a video, I had to watch it and he lived up to his elite status.

You can learn a lot from Rich. Watch how he uses his entire body when he walks – arms, hips, gluts, legs… even head, feet low to the ground – a lot of the things we discus on TheWinningWalker.

The main thing that stays with me when I train or race is remembering how upright Rich’s posture is. As I have mentioned in other posts I have a natural tendency to slouch a bit. That slows me down and robs me of air-intake. I get tired faster when I slouch. Standing upright, ‘keeping my feet under me’, with my shoulders back has contributed to my enjoyment and success walking and running.

There is also the mental aspect of standing up straight. I paint a mental image that I am driving a car – I am the driver and the car. When I am going uphill or downhill I change gears. On flat surfaces I change gears to go faster or slower. For me, that line of though has helped me train and race.

So, here is Rich’s video. I hope you learn as much as I have from this elite racewalker.

I was in a USATF National Championship with Rich. Fortunately we were in different age groups! We both metaled.