This is the only fitness video for real leisure or competitive walkers. Not only will you get a great workout but you will learn valuable walking tips and techniques to help make you a better, more effortless walker.

In addition, if you are a fitness or competitive RUNNER doing distances 5k through ultra-marathons integrating power or race walking into your running races will make your races much more enjoyable and you can achieve faster times and faster recovery.

During the past 3 years in addition to my State and USATF National race walk championships I have walk/ran 35 local and regional 5k’s through 1/2 trail marathons (more on doing trail races in another post) and often win or place in my division against runners. As a result of walking part or all of each race I am among the least exhausted participants during the medal ceremony. On occasion I have been fresh enough to do two 5k’s in one weekend.

To be real, we did the video in an empty parking lot on a nice toasty sunny 91 degree day! Rather than an nice air conditioned dance or fitness studio. Rather than a team of 20 something dancers behind me only a bird did the workouts with me.

I hope you enjoy the video and if you like it I will create a Volume 2 with exercises, tips and techniques that did not make it into Volume 1. The bird has already signed up.