Power walking is a rapidly growing sport and exercise. It is fun and more accessible than race walking. I am a race walker and I power walk often. When walking with a friend or group of friends my race walking pace would be too fast. When I am socializing I have found power walking to be a better choice.

Race walking and power walking have many similarities. Here are Power walking and Race walking similarities and differences:

  • Both require one foot to be on the ground at all times – as seen by the naked eye
  • Power Walking allows for the knee to be bent while passing under the body. Race Walking
  • You are not permitted to jog or run

Many of the techniques, exercises and training I use when preparing as a race walker I have found very useful as I improve my power walking technique, speed and distance.

For example, the Shoulders and Arms training video applies to both race walkers and power walkers:

Power walking overview video:

Have more fun, expend less energy increase speed and increase Power with this tine hand/arm adjustment. Because we take hundreds
Visualization is important in every sport. Even professional athletes find it valuable. This short 1 minute video tip describes how
Visualization is important in every sport. Even professional athletes find it valuable. This short 1 minute video tip describes how
Why a post on lacing your shoes? Well, because it is very important for safety when taking a leisure walk
We enjoy hearing from you! I try to personally respond to every email I receive. For general inquiries, suggestions, walking
To approach effortless walking you should use good technique with your legs and feet. Remember to allow you entire body
Driving your arms faster and front to back will help power your legs to move faster resulting in more speed,
My secrets for tracking and analyzing progress for maximum walking success
You will have a much more enjoyable leisure, power, Nordic or race walk if you maintain relaxed fingers & hands.
Looking to shake up your workout routine? In this video I demonstrate how and why I enjoy my football field